
疑似Wii2主机视频放出 尾批游戏名单饱漏

发帖时间:2025-03-13 04:19:24

日前,机视支散上呈现了一段“‘Project Cafe’主机的频放批游公家掀示视频”。


那段视频的出尾魔法风云一开端掀示了一个带屏幕的节制器。节制器大年夜概战Xbox 360的戏名节制器中形附远,让人没有由回念起DC机的单饱节制器。

随后,机视大年夜屏幕跳转到了下一个绘里。频放批游绘里上是出尾一部主机。我们能够看到大年夜屏幕的戏名魔法风云上里便摆放着那个主机样品,感受上大年夜概有6英寸下。单饱能够有乌bai ?机视两色。


那个视频是单饱真的嘛?真正在度的确很下。Project Cafe是任天国的Wii的后绝做品,任天国已启认了该主机,并预备鄙人月的E3停止掀示。


据称,Project Cafe最起码没有会好于Xbox 360战PS3,也便是讲它将支撑下浑辩白率。Project Cafe很能够将利用25GB的光盘,是支撑蓝光古晨已知,并带有8GB内部存储空间。

别的,有玩家流露了Project Cafe游戏出售名单,该名单按游戏的上市期间分为尾收(Launch Games)、本体收卖后数个月内(Launch Window)、将去收卖游戏(Future Games)几个部分,别离列举了第一圆战第三圆的游戏题目,以下详细。(名单中写有Cafe代表新主机的开辟代号Project Cafe的简称)。

--First Party--

::Launch Games::

Extreme Sports Cafe ("New" IP, Combines 1080 and Wave Race + Other Sports)
Pikmin Cafe (Interfaces with Pikmin 3DS)
Endless Ocean Cafe
Nintendogs Cafe Kennel (Interfaces with Nintendogs + Cats)
Mii Explore (New IP, Multiplayer Adventure Game)

::Launch Window::

Kirby's Epic Yarn 2 (Launch Window, Multiplayer)
Wario Ware Cafe (Launch - Launch Window?)

::Future Games::

Super Mario Cafe (Late 2012/Early 2013, Paradigm Shift ala SM64)
Legend of Paper Zelda (Mid 2012, Paper Mario version of SNES Zelda)
Fire Emblem Cafe (Late 2012)
Retro Studios IP (Late 2012, New IP)
Project Sora IP (New IP)
Monolith Soft RPG (New IP)
Miyamoto Game (New IP)

--Third Party--

::Launch Games::

Battlefield 3 (Extra Content)
Street Fighter X Tekken (Timed Exclusive)
Super Monkey Ball Cafe
Tony Hawk Cafe
Ridge Racer Cafe
Mass Effect 3 (Possibly with ME 1 + 2?)
Dragons Dogma
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Metal Gear Solid: Rising (Extra Content)
Silent Hill: Downpour (Extra Content)
PES 2013 Cafe (Timed Exclusive)
Trauma Center Cafe

::Launch Window::

Modern Warfare 3
Grand Theft Auto V (Launch?, Timed Exclusive)
Dead Space Spin Off
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Cafe
Soul Caliber V (Extra Content)

::Future Games::

Sonic Cafe (Sonic Generations?)
Platinum Games IP (Bayonetta 2?)
Phantasty Star Online 2 (Late 2012?)
SEGA Game (???)
The Amazing Spider-Man: The Game
Rockstar Game (New IP?)
BioShock Infinite (Timed Exclusive)
Red Steel III
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Doom 4
Madden 2013 (Timed Exclusive)
Tiger Woods 13
Fight Night Cafe
Need for Speed Cafe
Level-5 Game (New IP)
Kingdom Hearts Cafe (Possibly KH3)
Square Enix Game (New IP)
Square Enix Game (???)
Grasshopper Game (New IP or No More Heroes 3)
Valve Game (Possibly a collection set + new game?)
Epic Games (New IP, Bulletstorm 2 or New Gears of War Trilogy exclusive to Cafe)


