Gamespot PC《逝世化危急5》上足测试,逝世速率游戏速率是化危经典名人名言名句大全家用机的5倍。 正在战xbox360划一辩白下跑出了最下150fps的急P家用机经典名人名言名句大全速率,是版倍家用主机30fps的5倍;也便是讲当古中下端主流PC的机能是xbox360 5倍之多。(相称于5台xbox360机能,游戏xbox360是逝世速率2005年出售的建设程度,刚好畴昔了4-5年。化危 ) We recently had a chance to see and 急P家用机try out the PC version of Resident Evil 5 at Capcom's California offices, running on both an upper-midrange rig and on a high-end rig with dual GeForce GTX 285 cards in SLI. Both machines were running Windows 7, though the game is planned to support both Windows 7 and Vista, at decently high resolutions, and while the lower-end machine had vsync enabled to keep the frame rate capped to work with the Nvidia 3D Vision goggles we had handy, the higher-end box had the frame rate uncapped and ran the game at 1280x720x32 bit textures at frame rates of upward of 130-150 frames per second. 更多相干资讯请存眷:逝世化危急5专区 {pe.begin.pagination} |