Nvidia与育碧达成合作 PC版《看门狗》加入独有特效
作者:娱乐 来源:知识 浏览: 【大 中 小】 发布时间:2025-03-13 09:30:59 评论数:
育碧旗下知名游戏大作《看门狗》游戏与英伟达公司达成合作协议,育碧将在PC版中推出独特的达成独游戏效果,为英伟达显卡带来特有优化。合作ie9中文版官方下载 win7
育碧已经与 Nvidia 签署技术联盟协议,门狗育碧在其 PC 版游戏中为 Nvidia 显卡优化,加入加入独有的特效特效、特性和技术。育碧目前已经加入的达成独游戏有《分裂细胞:黑名单》、《刺客信条 4:黑旗》、合作ie9中文版官方下载 win7《看门狗》三个。门狗其中 Watch Dogs 的加入提升效果未来两个月会逐步公布。
NVIDIA and 特效Ubisoft have signed an unprecedented technical alliance that will see their best games enhanced with PC-exclusive effects and features. To date, we've confirmed the inclusion of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag in the alliance, and now we're pleased to announce that one of the year's most anticipated games, Watch_Dogs, is joining the roster too.
Specific details about Watch_Dog's enhancements will be revealed in the coming months, so make sure to stay tuned to GeForce.com for all the info.